Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hi Tracey, 

How are you?  Hope you are doing well.  

This is Teresa Kilby Hewitt.  I am deaf, but I can read lips and speak well.  

I have a movie as my hubby has recorded from our television to our DVD as name of the movie as it was titled "A Matter of Justice".  This movie was really a good movie, but it was really sad.  I was wondering how Christy Brown is doing now.  Hopefully she has leaded to a positive life and is doing well and also hopefully that she has found Jesus in her life.  What was Christy's grandma like?  I know that Mary and Jack Brown has been through so much as they lost their child, Chris.  I know what it is like to lose a loved one as I lost my dear mom on August 2011. 

I also do have another DVD as name of the movie title was "In a Child's Name".  I have been thinking about writing a short letter to Celeste White and send her and her husband, Jeff a sympathy card as she has lost her sister, Teresa back in 1984.  I do feel so sad for Celeste and her families including herself, her parents, her brother and her nephew, Philip as I know he is considered as her son as he was raised by his aunt, Celeste and her husband, Jefferson.  I was really glad that he was raised by his second parents!  Please let Celeste know that I do plan on writing her a short letter and send her a sympathy card soon as I really would appreciate that.  I would think that she and her families would deeply appreciate support and love from other people like me such as receiving sympathy card. 

Please send me a message as soon as possible.  My other email address is all lower cases.  

Have a lovely day and weekend!  May God bless you always!


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